Last Updated on August 30, 2024
The IELTS Speaking Examination requires an individual student to speak on a topic based on the cue card. There are so many cue cards that it could be difficult for individual students to answer them properly in the IELTS examination. With the help of the model answers given to you, you would be able to provide a more prescribed answer in your examination so that you can score really good marks. In this article, we will discuss the cue card and follow-up questions related to the cue card named Describe A Person You Know Who Is From A Different Culture, so that you will be able to perform well in your examination.
American: Describe A Person You Know Who Is From A Different Culture IELTS Cue Card
It is not difficult to find friends and make friends from different cultures, and the credit for making different friends from different cultures goes to globalization and the improvement in technology so that there are no geographical boundaries.
Who is this person?
I have made a friend from a different culture whom I like to talk to; he is an American, and I found him on a chatting platform where I was trying to find an English-speaking person to chat with and improve my English ability. Now we have become good friends, and we frequently chat. He has told me about American culture.
Where is the person from?
The person is from America, and we met when I was trying to find an English-speaking person so that I could talk and improve my overall English skills. When we started talking over the social media platform, he indulged me in talking about his culture so that I could easily improve my English-speaking skills.
How do you know the person?
I got to know about this person from the social media platform where we got connected and talked about her culture. Even though I also told him about our Indian culture and how we celebrate all the festivals together, he told me about the culture and the festivals of the American nations.
And explain how you feel about it.
It felt amazing talking to this person, as he helped me understand things differently. At the same time, I was amazed at the cultural diversity we had.
Japanese: Describe A Person You Know Who Is From A Different Culture
There are so many individuals whom we meet in our daily lives, and at our workplace, these people become an important part of our lives. We are all interconnected with each other for some reason and some work. I have met with so many people who are from different cultures, and this has helped me to understand the other cultures easily.
Who is this person?
Here I will talk about a person whom I met three years ago when I was traveling to Chandigarh for my passport appointment during my journey, I met with a Japanese person on the bus who was there to travel and explore Chandigarh. We talked about so many things, and there were so many things that he told me about his culture.
Where is the person from?
The person is from Japan, which is one of the world’s largest producers of motor vehicles. Apart from this, he sat just behind me on the bus and we spoke about the different cultures of our nation. I had a great experience with him; he was one of the best individuals I have met in my life. Apart from this, we had a great time when we ate with chopsticks instead of spoons.
How do you know the person?
I learned about this person on the bus when he and I spoke about the bus tickets and seats. We had a decent talk about our travel and we exchanged our contact numbers, and as we became friends, we became good friends.
And explain how you feel about it.
I feel extremely happy about this person because I have come to know a lot of things about Japanese culture, and along with that, I wish I could visit Japan to explore their historical culture.
Punjabi: Describe A Person You Know Who Is From A Different Culture
India is a diverse country, and people from different cultures live happily there. I met so many different people in the virtual world who are from different cultures and are always curious to know about each other.
Who is this person?
Here I will talk about Deepika, whom I met on a train when I was going to my hometown. She is an amazing person and helps me understand things about the corporate world, and we exchange numbers so that we can stay in contact with each other.
Where is the person from?
Deepika is from Hyderabad, and I am from Punjab, which is a different hometown and state. We both introduce each other after boarding the train and start talking about our different cultures and the important information about the city and the state so that we can both learn about different cultures.
How do you know the person?
Dееpika not only told mе about thе rich culturе, but shе also told mе about thе famous food itеms and how shе works as a doctor and sеrvеs pеoplе to savе thеir livеs and hеlp thе nееdy. Shе works with thе NGO and assists in various ways, such as in the form of monеy, clothеs, food, and other ways that could help nееdy individuals.
And explain how you feel about it.
I felt fantastic after meeting Deepika on a train because we were both from different cultures, and she told me about hers, which amazed me. I can state that there are many different persons from other cultures, and we may meet them through social media or the Internet, or even in person on public transportation, to discuss the many cultures we possess.
Follow Up Questions – Describe A Person You Know Who Is From A Different Culture
Where and how can we get to know people from different cultures better?
To better understand individuals from different cultures, you can use social media platforms to indulge yourself in conversation with others. You can also visit the cultural celebrations organized by the government, where people from all around the country come and take part.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of cultural diversity?
The main disadvantage of cultural diversity is that there is a language barrier and the advantage is that people can enjoy a lot of festivals together and get more options in food, clothes, and many other things.
Which Indian traditions are disappearing?
Many of the Indian traditional participating as many of the people are not making sweets on Diwali, and they are not going to each other’s houses to greet each other on the new year as they have started going on vacation.
How can traditional culture and other cultures coexist?
Despite this fact, there is a difference: accepting each other with a new culture, giving respect to the traditional culture, and giving importance to the traditional culture. It transmits the culture to the next generation; this is how both cultures can exist.
Other IELTS Cue Card:
Describe Someone Older than You Whom You Admire IELTS Cue Card
Dеscribе a Pеrson Who Likеs to Grow Plants IELTS Cue Card
Describe A Person You Follow on Social Media IELTS Cue Card
Dеscribе a Situation Whеn You Wеrе Latе IELTS Cue Card
Describe a Puzzle You Have Played IELTS Cue Card
Talk about an article that you have read about health Ielts Cue Card

Kanishka Garg specializes in crafting informative content on study abroad education. Her passion lies in simplifying the journey for students through SEO-optimized articles and blogs. Kanishka’s commitment to clear communication and her deep understanding of international admissions processes make her blogs essential for students aiming to gain insights into top universities worldwide. With Kanishka’s blogs, students can confidently get solutions to the complexities of applying to their dream universities and achieve their academic aspirations abroad.