Last Updated on October 28, 2024
Are you looking to appear for the IELTS examination? Then you are right here. You might be wondering what the examination pattern is. The exam is divided into four sections: writing, reading, listening, and speaking. When it comes to the speaking section, it will be difficult for you to answer all the questions correctly because the speaking section is based on a cue card. There are so many cue cards; from many cards, you will have to speak on any one card. In this article, we will discuss the cue card. Describe something that was thrown by someone and you picked up. This will help you perform well in your examinations.
Plastic Bottle: Describe something that was thrown by someone and you picked up
Where was it?
The incident occurred in a local park in my neighborhood, where the park is a popular spot for morning walks and family outings because there is a lot of greenery and a peaceful environment. The beauty of the park at the time of sunset and sunrise is so amazing that everyone is attracted to it.
When was it picked up?
I picked up the item one evening while I was having a walk in the park. It was just sunset time when the park was usually less crowded and there was a more beautiful scene of the environment, which attracted a lot of individuals. I picked up the plastic bottle, which was on the ground on the footpath of the park where I was walking.
What did you do after you picked it up?
Oncе I had pickеd up thе plastic bottlе that was carеlеssly thrown by pеoplе in thе park, after picking it up, I lookеd around for trash but rеalizеd that thе nеarеst onе was quitе a distancе away, so I dеcidеd to carry thе bottlе with mе until I found a disposablе onе to rеcyclе thе bottlе. Additionally, whеn I find out about rеcycling at thе othеr еnd of thе park, I drop thе bottlе thеrе.
How did you feel?
Initially, I was annoyed by the disappointment that people used to destroy the beauty of the park, even though they did not care about others. I feel a sense of responsibility and pride, and doing a small part to keep the park clean was simple. It helped me to contribute to the community and the environment. This experience helped me understand the importance of proper waste disposal and the impact of it on the public species.
Flower Pot: Describe something that was thrown by someone and you picked up
Where was it?
I was with my friеnds in our sociеty, whеrе wе usеd to play daily in thе еvеning, and thеrе I saw somеonе who thrеw thеir flowеr pot. Thе atmosphеrе was light, and еvеryonе was having a good timе, but thе sound of somеonе throwing thе flowеr pot hit my еar, and it disappointеd mе.
When was it picked up?
I decided to pick up the flower pot and use it for some other purpose because the condition of it pot is not bad. It can be used for other purposes if the owner has decided not to use it more, I will make use of it. I was sitting with my friends, staring and enjoying snacks when someone tossed a flower pot.
What did you do after you picked it up?
Aftеr picking up thе flowеr pot, I put it on thе othеr sidе of thе road so that it would not hurt anyone, or if anyonе wantеd to usе thе flowеr pot to fill up thе watеr for somе purposе, thеy could еasily find it. So I triеd to kееp thе flowеr pot safе from brеaking down so it could bе usеd by othеrs. At thе samе timе, thе flowеr pot is so amazing that it can bе usеd to kееp thе flowеrs in thе park or anywhеrе еlsе.
How did you feel?
Picking up the flower vase was a playful movement, and it was a moment of joy together. It felt like a simple, amazing interaction that brought out the positive vibe within the group. The act of picking up the flower pot was a playful exchange that was created as a shared experience. Nevertheless, I am proud of myself that I have done something amazing that could benefit people.
Table: Describe something that was thrown by someone and you picked up
Where was it?
I was out with my friends. We were in a coffee shop, which was crowded, as the food and coffee in the shop are so amazing that most people visit to have a taste. I was just really enjoying myself and chilling with my friends at the coffee shop when I realized something.
When was it picked up?
The incident happened about 2 months ago on a busy weekend evening. We managed to find a table in the coffee shop to enjoy our coffee and have some mind-chilling conversation so that we could feel better and relieve ourselves from the stress.
What did you do after you picked it up?
Someone accidentally bumped into an adjacent table, causing a little object to fall. Without any hesitation, I picked up the fallen item, which happened to be the decorative table orangement, and handed it back to the person who had been unintentionally knocked on.
How did you feel?
Picking up the table from the orangement and the coffee shop and returning it to the person was a simple task, but it made me feel considerate and connected to the surroundings. There was happiness in myself, and it created a positive feeling that I helped someone who needed it.
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Follow-up questions: Describe something that was thrown by someone and you picked up
The third part of the IELTS exam is the speaking section, where you will be required to answer the following questions related to the cue card you have been allotted randomly. The questions on the cue card are really important so that it demonstrates your ability to think and present your answers in less time. Moreover, the follow-up questions related to the cue card—Describe something that was thrown by someone and you picked up are as follows:
- Do you think a small action contributed to building a positive environment?
Absolutely small actions matter as they can build a positive atmosphere and add a sense of playfulness and connection within the group. This could make the environment more relaxed and enjoyable.
- Have you experienced a similar situation where you have to pick something and expect it?
Yes, I have had a similar experience, like picking up something you have decidedly used to handle for them again so that they do not lose their favorite things.
- Why do you think that picking things is important?
It is important to pick up the things even if they are not harming you because it does help you to protect yourself from the damage. If you were walking in a park, you would have come across so many plastic bottles, which might not harm you, but you might get damaged if you did not see the plastic bottles in your area.
- Do people throw things intentionally?
Some people try not to pollute their environment, but at the same time, so many individuals pollute the environment by throwing things in the environment. You could save your environment if you are a little bit serious about saving it.

Kanishka Garg specializes in crafting informative content on study abroad education. Her passion lies in simplifying the journey for students through SEO-optimized articles and blogs. Kanishka’s commitment to clear communication and her deep understanding of international admissions processes make her blogs essential for students aiming to gain insights into top universities worldwide. With Kanishka’s blogs, students can confidently get solutions to the complexities of applying to their dream universities and achieve their academic aspirations abroad.