Last Updated on August 30, 2024
In the speaking section of the IELTS examination, you will be given a cue card topic on which you have to speak for two minutes. Additionally, you will be allowed one minute to prepare your thoughts on the given topic. This round is followed by a follow-up questions round related to the topic, in the form of a conversation between you and the examiner. To help you prepare and ace your IELTS exam we have come up with another topic ‘Describe a time you insulted your teacher’.
School Picnic: Describe A Time When You Insulted Your Teacher
Teachers play an essential role in a student’s life. Throughout my student life, I have met many experienced and knowledgeable teachers. They all have my respect, however today I am going to share about a time when Insulted my teacher unintentionally.
When did it happen?
I remember it distinctly, it happened in the year 2015. I was in 8th grade at the time. Our class went on a school picnic to a nearby waterfall along with my class teacher Mr Saurabh and it was during the trip I insulted my teacher unintentionally.
Where did it happen?
My class gathered in the school grounds and all of us got on the school bus that was supposed to take us to our picnic destination. On the way, all of us were excited. All the students were laughing and talking but my friend circle was enjoying it the most. We were singing and dancing on the bus. Mr Suraj came and asked us not to sing and dance on the bus. In response, I told him to mind his own business and enjoy the trip instead of scolding us.
How did you feel?
I felt bad the moment I said those things to him. As I was singing loudly my response to him also came out of my mouth in the pitch, which was even more insulting. Mr Saurabh did not say anything. He returned to his seat and avoided me for the rest of the bus ride. I felt bad and guilty for insulting him. I wanted to apologize to him immediately.
How did you solve it?
When we got down from the bus after reaching our destination, I gathered the courage to approach him and ask for his forgiveness. I explained to him that I did it unintentionally and I feel extremely guilty. I was ready to accept any punishment he was willing to give me. But to my surprise, Mr Saurabh smiled and said that I was forgiven. He also asked me to make sure I don’t repeat this in future.
This incident taught me how important it is to respect our teachers. All the time I was feeling guilty while my class teacher was avoiding me and taught me a valuable lesson. Since that day I made it a point to not insult any elder person even by mistake.
Example 2: Describe A Time When You Insulted Your Teacher
We all know how essential the role of a teacher is in our life especially when we are growing. A child spends a major part of his life in school with his/her teacher. They help us navigate fifty percent of our lives. We must respect them. However, today I am going to Describe a time when I insulted my teacher.
When did it happen?
It happened in 2016 when I was in class 10th. There was this teacher Miss Seema who was biased towards her students, particularly me. She always tried to scold and disrespect me in front of the whole class. However, this incident happened in the morning during the first period of our class while she was taking attendance.
Where did it happen?
It happened in the class after the morning assembly. After the assembly, all of us entered the classroom and settled in. Our class teacher Miss Seema entered and gave us a few minutes to settle down after which she started taking attendance. When she called out my name I was not able to answer as my mouth was filled with water. Then, she got furious and shouted at me for not answering the roll call. Being fed up with her constantly nagging at me even for the most innocent reason I talked back that day. I told her at a little high pitch that I am not deaf, IÂ can hear but I am unable to answer since my mouth is full. If she gives me a second I will answer her. She was shocked at this but did not react.
How did you feel?
Honestly speaking I did not feel much guilt after this. I felt bad because it was out of my nature to disrespect an elderly person, especially a teacher. But I was tired of her constantly bullying me.
How did you solve it?
I went to her during the lunch break and apologized for my behaviour. Along with this I also told her how her constant bullying of me is intolerable and if she doesn’t stop I will have to complain to the principal.
I felt bad that day for shouting at my teacher but I also felt a sense of relief as after giving her a warning, she stopped bullying me. Later on, she also apologized for her behavior towards me. By this incident, I learned how important it is for elders to respect people who are below their age.
Sports Day: Describe A Time When You Insulted Your Teacher
Teachers are an important companion that a child grows up with. They help inculcate values that stay with us for the rest of our lives. They play an essential role in shaping our early years and creating a path towards a bright future. A student must respect their teacher and not insult them ever.
When did it happen?
It happened when I was in class 10, preparing for my sports day performance for the 4×100 meters relay. Our sports teacher, also my favorite teacher in the school, was helping me. It was him whom I insulted in the heat of the moment.
Where did it happen?
It happened in the school’s big playground where the preparation for the annual sports day was going on. My sports teacher Sir Roop was helping me. He saw me running and told me that I needed to change my technique to be more efficient. I believed him and tried the technique he taught me. The next day during the competition I lost the match. I was disheartened and furious. I saw Sir Roop and angered all of my anger at him. I shouted at him in front of many students, blaming him for my loss.
How did you feel?
For some time I was upset over losing the match but at night I realized it was not my sports teacher’s fault. I felt guilty for shouting at him and insulting him and his technique in front of so many students. I remembered how hurt he was and that made me angry at myself for doing such a thing.
How did you solve it?
The next day I immediately went to him and apologized profusely for my behavior. To my astonishment he forgave me. He said he understood how I felt after losing the match as he knew how important it was for me. He also added he was hurt by my words but decided not to take it to heart.
This incident taught me how we should keep our mouths shut when we are angry. Otherwise, we can end up hurting people we love. From that day on I practiced meditation to control my anger. This incident was life-changing for me.
Follow-up Questions for Describe A Time When You Insulted Your Teacher: IELTS cue card
1. Why do students not respect their teachers?
There can be many reasons for a student not to respect their teacher. One of the strongest reasons in my opinion is favoritism. A teacher is supposed to be neutral and treat all the students equally. But when they get biased toward students, it may create resentment and a sense of unfairness among the rest of the class, thus leading them to disrespect their teacher. Another reason can be when a teacher fails to enforce discipline in the class. Discipline is an important dynamic between teacher and student and lack of it can encourage students to treat their teacher with disrespect.
2. Should teachers treat students with respect?
Yes, in my opinion, students deserve equal respect from teachers. Treating students with respect is an important step towards behaviour management. It also promotes a positive learning environment. When students feel respected by their teacher, it boosts their confidence and promotes a mindset of showing respect towards everyone. For example, my 4th grade teacher used to treat all of us with utter respect. In return, it encouraged us to respect our teacher as well as each other. A teacher who treats their students with kindness and respect regardless of their background also encourages values of equality and diversity among the students.
3. What are your views on the current education system?
It is hard to deny that the education system in India is much criticized for its lack of faculty as well. To answer your question honestly, I must say I feel that the education system of India needs to change a lot. It is more marks-oriented rather than skill-oriented. The methods and systems used in India for education are undoubtedly old as compared to the current scenarios. To say precisely, the current education system of India is incompetent in producing students with skills that will help them cope with the rest of the world.
4. Some people believe that people should be respected irrespective of their age. What is your opinion on this?
In my opinion, people believe in being respected. However, I feel that older people do not believe this. They do not respect people who are younger than them. For example during a debate, if I say something that questions my grandfather’s belief, instead of being open to a changeable mindset he perceives it as an insult. On the other hand, if I try to help him with something he insults me for my age, which is wrong. People should understand that everyone should be respected irrespective of their age, caste or beliefs.
5. How does the current generation perceive the idea of ‘respect ‘?Â
The current generation’s idea of ‘respect ‘is different from what it used to be. They perceive respect as something that everyone deserves. They also try to break the stereotype that only elders deserve respect. The children of the current generation believe in respecting everyone irrespective of their age. This is an important belief as it helps create an environment of equality allowing everyone to be their truest self.Â
Other Cue Card:
Describe a place where you would like to go to relax IELTS Cue Card
Describe a time when you helped a child IELTS Cue Card
Describe A Person You Know Who Is From A Different Culture IELTS Cue Card
Describe a Bag You Want to Own IELTS Cue Card

Aakriti Kumari is a passionate content writer who finds solace in the world of books. An avid reader from a young age, she has cultivated a deep love for the written word. When she’s not crafting compelling content, you can find her lost in the pages of a captivating novel. Aakriti shares her literary adventures and book recommendations on her Instagram account, @aakthereader, dedicated to her love of reading. With a keen eye for detail and a gift for storytelling, she brings words to life, inviting readers on a journey through her writing.