Last Updated on August 29, 2024
IELTS is one of the most popular and important tests that helps many students plan their move abroad. IELTS is divided into four sections: reading, writing, listening and speaking. In this round of the IELTS speaking test, you will be given a topic and a minute to prepare for the topic. After, you will be asked to speak continuously for 2 minutes on the given topic. The examiner may then ask you follow-up questions related to the topic you were given. To help you excel this round, we have come up with another example for the IELTS cue card “Describe an activity that wastes your time”.
Television: Describe An Activity That Wastes Your Time
As the saying goes ‘Time waits for no one’ therefore it should not be spent on activity that wastes your time. Everyone knows the value of time and should be used wisely. I sometimes have wasted my time doing activities that weren’t necessary. Today I am going to talk about one of those times.
What is that activity?
I used to waste my time watching television. My eyes were always glued to the television in our house. Because of this, I also used to get scolded by my parents a lot.
When do you usually do it?
I used to watch television as soon as I returned home from school. I would throw away my backpack, untie my shoes and sit in front of the television with the remote in my hand. I would have lunch while watching cartoons on television. The only time my eyes weren’t focused on the television was when I was in school or doing homework at home.
What makes you do it?
I didn’t figure this out. Now when I think about it, I can only conclude that watching television made me forget about every other thing in my life that I was worried about such as completing my homework or studying for my exams. In school, I used to worry about exams and homework but when I was in front of the TV, I didn’t remember any of those things. So I guess this is the reason why I was always glued to my television doing activities that wasted my time.
Why do you think it wastes your time?
Watching TV sometimes for recreational purposes is not a bad thing. However, becoming a magnet to the television is bad. Now when I look back and think about it, I realize I wasted so much of my precious time. Instead of going out and playing with my friends, I chose to stay in and watch television. I could have used that time preparing for my exams and scored better marks than I did.
Looking back in time I now understand that everything when done in moderation is good. When we realize that we are crossing our limits, we should sit back and think of all the possible negative outcomes of our actions.
Social Media: Describe An Activity That Wastes Your Time
Social media and mobile phones are the current rulers of the 21st century. People of all ages can be seen holding a mobile scrolling through social media apps. In this technological world, social media has become mainstream. The fact that social media is a helpful tool cannot be denied but this is also a fact that being addicted to it and spending time doing an activity that wastes your time is a hazard. Time is precious and it should be used wisely.
What is that activity?
When I purchased my new phone last year and created a social media account on Instagram, I wasted so much of my precious time scrolling reels and short videos. I watched celebrities’ lifestyles, funny videos and a few informative videos as well.
When do you usually do it?
I scrolled through social media almost all the time. Every time I got a window from my work, I would pick up my phone and scroll through social media. Even when I was on the bus coming to and fro from my office, I would pass my time watching reels on a social media app called Instagram. At night, I would stay awake late at night wasting my time.
What makes you do it?
I think my addiction to social media was a ‘behavioral addiction’.I did not have many friends or a social life back then. So I used social media to get myself hit by Dopamine all the time.
Why do you think it wastes your time?
I think it wastes my time as I spent my important time which I could have used to do something fruitful on social media. I also think being glued to my phone 24×7 detached me from the life around me.
Using social media for recreation or to gather information is a good habit. But when the habit becomes an addiction, we should draw a line. Because of my addiction, I wasted so much of my time. I also got dark circles as a result of lack of sleep. After witnessing my health deteriorate I stopped using social media.
PUBG: Describe An Activity That Wastes Your Time
Every human being is different but the clock ticks the same for everyone. It is on each individual to make the best use of their time and not spend it doing an activity that wastes their time. Today I am going to describe an activity that wastes my time.
What is the activity?
I waste my time by playing a video game called ‘Pub-g’.It is a very popular game and is banned in India. But players like me who are addicted to this game found a way to download this game to play it.
When do you usually do it?
I usually do it when I am having my lunch or dinner. I also waste my time playing pub-g late at night when everyone falls asleep. Me and my friends gather together on this online gaming platform and play till the sun comes up.
What makes you do it?
I think the game’s graphic appeal allured me to play it at first. When I started playing this game I enjoyed the thrill and the adrenaline I got after winning at the end. This was also the first platform I discovered where I could play with my friends online in real-time. I think that was the major factor that got me addicted to the game.
Why do you feel it wastes your time?
I feel it wastes my time as I lost important hours playing pub-g which I should have used to prepare for my upcoming exams. I failed a paper because I didn’t study for it as I was playing pub-g with my friends, which affected my promotion to the next class. I will have to study hard this time if I want to be promoted to the next class.
To conclude I would like to say that I will not spend my time anymore doing an activity that wastes my time. I want to be promoted to the next class therefore I will study by heart and not waste my time playing pubg. Also, the news nowadays about pubg being responsible for people causing self-harm or committing suicide has scared me. Playing such games to pass time or freshen up is acceptable but being addicted to anything at such levels can prove hazardous to one’s life. Time never returns, therefore it should be used wisely and not be wasted on useless activities.
Follow-up Questions: Describe An Activity That Wastes Your Time
1. Is work-life balance important?
Having a proper work-life balance is very important, especially in the hectic life people live nowadays. Creating a work-life balance can help people spend time with their loved ones or doing things they love. Enjoying your life is as important as earning money.
2. Will you stop wasting your time on something if you realize it’s harmful to you?
Definitely. I would immediately stop wasting my time over something if I see it harming me. As I said earlier I wasted my time playing an online video game but when I felt it was affecting my study, I immediately stopped. I will discontinue anything that will be harmful to me.
3. Does being addicted to inanimate things cut people off from real life?
Yes, I strongly feel that being addicted to inanimate things has cut people off from the life around them. For example, a boy scrolling through his phone on the bus misses out on the life that’s going on around him. Most importantly this addiction has created an emotional gap between people.
4. Is it important to follow rules?
I think it is necessary to abide by the rules as rules guarantee the smooth functioning of society. However, sometimes it is ok to not follow the rules given that it is not harming anyone.
5. Do you think children should be allowed to use social media?
No, I don’t think children should be allowed to use social media at all. Children are not mature enough to figure out the intricacies of social media and may end up falling prey to scams and fraudulent activities. Moreover, children should be encouraged to go out and play in the open as it will help with their personal growth and also let them connect with nature.
Other IELTS Cue Card:
Describe A Resolution You Made In The New Year
Describe Something Important That You Lost
Describe A Time When You Needed To Use Your Imagination

Aakriti Kumari is a passionate content writer who finds solace in the world of books. An avid reader from a young age, she has cultivated a deep love for the written word. When she’s not crafting compelling content, you can find her lost in the pages of a captivating novel. Aakriti shares her literary adventures and book recommendations on her Instagram account, @aakthereader, dedicated to her love of reading. With a keen eye for detail and a gift for storytelling, she brings words to life, inviting readers on a journey through her writing.