7 USA Universities with Highest Starting Salaries

Published by  Gaurav Kandari  August 2, 2024 admissify.com

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) leads the pack with an average starting salary of $95,000. MIT is renowned for its engineering and computer science programs.

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Stanford University follows closely with graduates earning an average of $92,000. Located in Silicon Valley, Stanford excels in computer science and business education.

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California Institute of Technology (Caltech) boasts an average starting salary of $90,000. Caltech is famous for its rigorous physics and engineering programs.

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Harvard University graduates earn an average of $89,000 upon entering the workforce. Harvard's prestige opens doors in finance, consulting, and other high-paying fields.

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Princeton University alumni command an average starting salary of $87,000. Princeton is known for its excellent economics and engineering departments.

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Carnegie Mellon University graduates start their careers with an average salary of $86,000. CMU is a leader in computer science and robotics education.

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The University of Pennsylvania rounds out the list with an average starting salary of $85,000. UPenn's Wharton School is a top choice for aspiring business leaders.

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These universities offer unparalleled opportunities for high-earning careers. STEM and business majors dominate, with tech and finance being the top industries for graduates.