Describe a Challenge You Faced That You Thought Was Rather Hard: IELTS Cue Card

Describe a Challenge You Faced That You Thought Was Rather Difficult

Last Updated on September 30, 2024

IELTS is an English proficiency test that determines your level of the language. The speaking section of IELTS include the cue card segment which requires the candidate to speak on any given topic for 3-4 minutes. This sections ends with follow up questions. In today’s blog, we will explore the cue card “Describe a challenge that you thought was rather difficult” so that candidates get a hang of such questions. 

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Expected Questions

When presented with this cue card, you should be prepared to answer the following questions:

  1. What was the challenge?
  2. When did you face this challenge?
  3. Why did you think it was difficult?
  4. How did you overcome it?
  5. What did you learn from this experience?

Here are three sample responses that address these questions:

Mandarin Chinese: Describe a Challenge You Faced That You Thought Was Rather Hard

What was the challenge?

The challenge I faced was learning Mandarin Chinese. While I can already speak three languages, I have always wanted to learn chinese because it is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. 

When did you face this challenge?

I began this challenge two years ago when I decided to expand my language skills. I still remember it like it was yesterday- the world was in the middle of a pandemic and I really wanted to use my free time in a good way. 

Why did you think it was difficult?

I found it extremely difficult due to the tonal nature of the language and its complex writing system. The biggest hurdle was mastering the four tones, which initially all sounded the same to me.

How did you overcome it?

To overcome this challenge, I developed a strategic approach. I used color-coding for each tone and created flashcards with both the pinyin (romanized Chinese) and the character. I also found a language exchange partner who helped correct my pronunciation. 

What did you learn from this experience?

This experience taught me the value of perseverance and creative problem-solving. I learned that with dedicated practice and the right strategies, even seemingly insurmountable challenges can be overcome. It also boosted my confidence in my ability to learn new skills.

Read another Cue Card: IELTS Cue Card Topics 2024 With Sample Questions & Answers

First full marathon: Describe a Challenge You Faced That You Thought Was Rather Hard

What was the challenge?

The challenge I faced was training for and completing my first full marathon. I have never been into sports, but I was intrigued by an old lady participating in a marathon which made me want to prepare for one. 

When did you face this challenge?

I took on this challenge last year, culminating in the marathon event six months ago.

Why did you think it was difficult?

As someone who had never run more than a 5K before, the prospect of running 26.2 miles seemed almost impossible. The training process was grueling, requiring a complete lifestyle overhaul and dealing with various injuries and setbacks.

How did you overcome it?

To overcome this challenge, I broke down my goal into smaller, manageable targets. I celebrated each milestone, whether it was running my first 10K or completing a half-marathon. I also joined a local running group for support and motivation. On the day of the marathon, when I hit the “wall” at mile 20, I drew on my months of training and the crowd’s encouragement to push through.

What did you learn from this experience?

This experience taught me the power of setting ambitious goals and the importance of consistent effort. It showed me that with proper preparation and determination, I could achieve things I once thought impossible. I also learned the value of community support in achieving personal goals.

Fright: Describe a Challenge You Faced That You Thought Was Rather Hard

What was the challenge?

The challenge I faced was overcoming my severe stage fright to deliver a presentation at a major industry conference.

When did you face this challenge?

I encountered this challenge about six months ago when I was asked to speak at the conference.

Why did you think it was difficult?

As an introvert, public speaking has always been challenging for me. The thought of speaking in front of hundreds of professionals made my heart race and my palms sweat. I was terrified of forgetting my lines, stumbling over my words, or simply freezing on stage.

How did you overcome it?

To tackle this challenge, I first sought help from a public speaking coach who taught me breathing techniques and gave me tips on structuring my presentation. I then practiced my speech relentlessly, recording myself and watching the playback to improve my delivery. On the day of the conference, I focused on my breathing and reminded myself of all the preparation I had done.

What did you learn from this experience?

This experience was transformative. It taught me that fear can be overcome with proper preparation and mindset. I learned the importance of seeking help when facing challenges and the power of thorough preparation in building confidence. While public speaking is still challenging for me, I no longer view it as an insurmountable obstacle.

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Follow-Up Questions: Describe a Challenge You Faced That You Thought Was Rather Hard

Q: How did overcoming this challenge change you as a person?

Overcoming the challenge of learning Mandarin Chinese has made me more patient and persistent. I’ve learned to embrace the process of learning, even when progress is slow. It’s also made me more empathetic towards others who are learning new skills, especially languages. I find myself more willing to help and encourage others facing similar challenges.

Q: Do you think people today face more challenges than in the past?

I believe the nature of challenges has changed rather than necessarily increased. While our ancestors faced more physical hardships and scarcity, we today often grapple with mental and emotional challenges like information overload, work-life balance, and maintaining genuine connections in a digital world. Each era has its unique set of difficulties, and it’s hard to quantify which is “more challenging.”

Q: What role do you think failure plays in overcoming challenges?

Failure plays a crucial role in overcoming challenges. In my experience with public speaking, initial failures taught me valuable lessons about preparation and managing nerves. Failures highlight areas for improvement and can be powerful motivators. They also build resilience, teaching us to persevere in the face of setbacks. Without the possibility of failure, challenges wouldn’t push us to grow and improve.

Q: How do you typically approach new challenges in your life?

When facing new challenges, I typically start by breaking them down into smaller, manageable tasks. I then research and gather information about the challenge, often seeking advice from people who have faced similar situations. I set realistic goals and timelines, and I try to maintain a positive attitude, viewing the challenge as an opportunity for growth rather than an obstacle. I also make sure to celebrate small victories along the way to stay motivated.

Q: Do you think challenges are necessary for personal growth?

Yes, I firmly believe challenges are essential for personal growth. They push us out of our comfort zones, forcing us to develop new skills and ways of thinking. For instance, training for a marathon not only improved my physical fitness but also taught me discipline, goal-setting, and mental resilience. These skills have been valuable in many other areas of my life. Without challenges, we might never discover our true capabilities or the extent of our potential.

Q: How do you support friends or family members when they’re facing difficult challenges?

When supporting friends or family facing challenges, I first try to listen actively and empathetically. Moreover, I validate their feelings and experiences. I also try to offer practical help where possible, whether that’s assisting with tasks or simply being there as a supportive presence. Most importantly, I remind them of their strengths and past successes to boost their confidence.

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Manan is a graduate of the esteemed University of Delhi where he cultivated a taste for writing and research. His degree in Bachelor of Management Studies helps him guide students in their academic endeavours. Manan strives to spread excellent study abroad tips that can prove to be helpful.

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