Last Updated on October 29, 2024
The IELTS speaking examination is divided into three parts; it is necessary to perform well in the second round, which is about the cue card. This section is often received well by students because of how interesting and engaging it is. You will be given a random cue card, on which you will be required to speak and respond for at least 2-3 minutes. At the end, there will be some follow-up questions related to it. In this article, we will talk about cue cards, Describe a friend you like to talk with. Let’s dive into this example cue card and help you ace your IELTS test prep.
Model answer 1: Describe a friend you like to talk with
Some so many friends can help in many ways. Friendship is always like sharing things with our buddies. I am an introvert with a small social network group, so I will describe a friend I would like to talk with.
Who is this person?
I have a lovely friend named Rohan with whom I always enjoy discussing so many things. We had a friendship for several years. He is not just a fantastic friend but a passionate coder and I like to discuss things.
What do you like to talk about?
He works as a software developer and is interested in technology and innovation, and he has involved himself in many debates related to technology and developments. What I appreciate most about our conversation is that he always clarifies all difficult technical terms to me, no matter how much I would like to talk to him about new technology improvements.
Explain how you feel about him or her.
He is one of my closest friends, and the conversation with him brings joy and intellectual stimulation. I always value the orderly conversations we have about different topics and subjects. He always made me clear about all my doubts and respected my queries.
I want to have a friend with whom I can discuss my feelings, with whom I can share my professional experience, and who can help me with dealing with these things. Overall, he is the best as he listens to me with full attention and gives me clarification.
Model Answer 2: describe a friend you like to talk with.
My grandfather constantly told me about friends that they are God’s blessing because they are the only ones who understand and support us at our lowest points and celebrate achievements even more than you, so having a buddy with whom you can share your life is important.
Who is this person?
With whom I enjoy talking, however, we have known each other since our childhood and we have maintained a great friendship with them. We have diverse interests, and this is a reason why we both talk to each other and are always available to us. We always try to learn something new from each other and teach each other new things that could be helpful in our lives.
What do you like to talk about?
We always talk about new books, movies, music, and our personal experiences. At the same time, we both enjoy watching movies and the different characters in the movies. We do recommend each other new books and novels so that we can have a conversation about that book as well. With her, I can inject humour into every conversation, I always find it fascinating to talk to her, so I am very excited to talk about evolving technology with her.
And explain how you feel about him or Her.
When it comes to Ishika, I can always confidently say that she is my sister, and our friendship is the test of our time. I am really happy to have her in my life, as we always lap together when we are together. I know she can add joy to my life, and in her presence, I feel comfort.
Ishika is an incredible person in my life with whom I feel a deep connection. Conversations always excite me to share interest, humour, and empathy towards each other. I always feel blessed to have Ishika as my friend. I always value friendship.
Model answer 3: describe a friend you like to talk with.
After finishing school, I started my internship with my father so that I could have a little bit of knowledge about how things work. With this internship, my old friendship group was divided due to different streams at the workplace, but I was alone and completely aware of how things were done in the institution. That’s when I discovered a lifelong buddy, Raunak.
Who is this person?
I met Raunak during my internship at a software development company a few years ago. He has become my best friend as he always supports me and helps me achieve more in my life.
What do you like to talk about?
My conversations with Raunak about technology are always fascinating, and according to that, we are indulged in doing it in our daily routine. However, I find a particular appeal to a discussion about the end of knowledge of Raunak in different fields, which helps me to get clarity with all the complex concepts simply and engagingly.
And explain how you feel about him or her.
I bеliеvе I can truly rеly on Raunak for both professional guidancе and pеrsonal support, as our friеndship has bееn dеpеndеnt for sеvеral yеars. I havе undеrstood that hе will always bе thеrе for mе whеn I nееd him. Howеvеr, whеnеvеr I talk to Ronak, it always lеavеs mе fееling inspirеd, motivatеd, and gratеful for thе friеndship wе havе built ovеr timе and thе lifе I havе.
Raunak is not just an acquaintance, he has become a valuable person in my life who helps me in my personal and professional growth. Talking to him about different things made me more inspired and motivated towards my goal, which helped me be more productive at work.
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Follow-up questions – Describe a friend you like to talk with
The last part of thе еxam is thе follow-up quеstions rеlatеd to thе cuе card. Wе will discuss thе follow-up questions rеlatеd to thе cuе card, Describe a friend you like to talk with, Here is the list of questions:
- Whеrе do most of thе young pеoplе likе to mееt?
There are so many places where young people like to hang out, but some of the examples are restaurants and cafes, and some prefer to meet at the playground or home.
- What do you think pеoplе say whеn thеy mееt up?
There are so many things to communicate with their friends, some of which are secrets, future goals, and gossip about their workplace. At the same time, they share the challenges and difficulties they are facing in their current situation.
- What do you think people should be honest about when talking with friends?
Yes, everyone should be honest with their friends, as it helps you have a healthy relationship, and if you lie, you will have an impact on your friendship.
- On what occasions do people talk with strangers?
Birthday parties and wedding parties are some of the places where random strangers talk to each other to pass the time and build a network.
Other Cue Card Topics to Practise
Describe A Piece Of Equipment That Is Important In Your Home IELTS Cue Card
Describe a time when you needed to search for information from the Internet IELTS Cue Card
Describe an Item on Which You Spent More Than Expected IELTS Cue Card
Describe An Ambition That You Haven’t Achieved IELTS Cue Card
Describe A Time When You Missed An Appointment IELTS Cue Card

Kanishka Garg specializes in crafting informative content on study abroad education. Her passion lies in simplifying the journey for students through SEO-optimized articles and blogs. Kanishka’s commitment to clear communication and her deep understanding of international admissions processes make her blogs essential for students aiming to gain insights into top universities worldwide. With Kanishka’s blogs, students can confidently get solutions to the complexities of applying to their dream universities and achieve their academic aspirations abroad.