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UGC Allows Indian Universities to Offer Admissions Twice a Year

June 13, 2024
UGC Allows Indian Universities to Offer Admissions Twice a Year

This week brings fantastic news for Indian students looking to further their higher education, as the Indian government has now revolutionised the admission system in accordance with Western standards. The University Grants Commission (UGC) has recently announced a major policy change that promises to open up more opportunities for higher education in India. Starting from the next academic year i.e. 2025, universities across India will be allowed to admit students twice a year – once in January/February and again in July/August. This is highly similar to countries like the United States and Canada offering Spring intake and Fall intake. 

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This new policy is like a breath of fresh air for Indian students, as it matches the various intakes that international universities offer. Now that India will have two intakes, students will be able to personalise their academic journeys as they deem fit. Indian students are known for their hardworking nature with a natural talent for thriving in challenging environments. Hence,  opening up the academic system will only lead to a more holistic and liberal education model that benefits candidates from all walks of life. 

This biannual admission system is especially beneficial for students who may have missed the initial admission cycle due to delays in board results, health issues, or any other personal reasons. Thus, this system of offering two intakes in a year will ensure that students do not have to wait for the next yearly intake to begin their higher education in universities and colleges. Thus, with the commencement of this new policy, students can apply during the second admission cycle and continue their academic journey at their own convenience.

The UGC Chairman, Professor Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar, has also stated that biannual admissions will be valuable for students as they will have to wait less for enrollment and it can boost their motivation. Furthermore, numerous companies and firms will now be able to organise campus recruitment twice per annum; this will finally result in improving professional opportunities for graduates from all streams and subject matters. 

This policy shift is a product of the successful implementation of biannual admissions for Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and Online modes, a fantastic idea that led to nearly half a million additional students enrolling! The UGC has decided to extend this system to regular mode programs as well, which only shows that India’s academic model is on the right path of development. 

The UGC’s biannual admissions policy is a much-need notification that brings our universities in line with similar practices around the world and could help in flourishing a base for student exchanges on an international level. Yet, it’s vital to understand that offering admissions twice a year is not mandatory for universities; they have to make changes in their regulations accordingly. So, this notification by the UGC takes us forward but some universities might still need time before they can put it into practice.

The UGC’s biannual admission policy plays an important role in boosting the Gross Enrolment Ratio and helping India to achieve its aim of becoming a ‘Global Study Destination,’ as outlined by the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. This fresh mandate has been implemented to benefit students, universities and industries, offering more possibilities for academic and professional progress.

All in all, with two official intakes and campus placements, Indian students can expect a bright future ahead of them. As Indian universities continue to advance and adapt to the best learning methodologies, students can now focus on their academic endeavours and plan their professional trajectories seamlessly. To get the best career counselling and expert advice, follow team Admissify- it makes a world of a difference! 

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Kanishka Garg specializes in crafting informative content on study abroad education. Her passion lies in simplifying the journey for students through SEO-optimized articles and blogs. Kanishka's commitment to clear communication and her deep understanding of international admissions processes make her blogs essential for students aiming to gain insights into top universities worldwide. With Kanishka's blogs, students can confidently get solutions to the complexities of applying to their dream universities and achieve their academic aspirations abroad.

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