7 Degrees to become a In Demand Engineer Abroad

Published by Gaurav Kandari | June 5,  2024

A project engineer earns an average of $80,433, managing and supervising engineering projects until the outlined objectives and timelines as well as safety and quality requirements are met. Countries: Netherlands, Germany, Australia

Project Engineering

Civil engineers have an average salary of $88,264 per year; they are responsible for constructing civil infrastructures. They can serve in governmental organizations or in private business. Countries: Germany, UK, France

Civil Engineering

Mechanical engineers earn $89,424 per year: they use knowledge of mechanics, and engineering to design and install machinery in several fields such as automotive, aerospace, and healthcare. Countries: USA, Canada, Germany

Mechanical Engineering

Biomedical engineers create medical devices and systems, working with others to design and regulate tools such as implants or pace-makers. Certified specialists work for $86,755 a year. Countries: Sweden, UK, Germany

Biomedical Engineering

Renewable energy developers design energy systems and make $88,596 per annum. They utilize engineering to produce machines that create clean energy to conserve the environment. Countries: Norway, Denmark, Switzerland.

Renewable Energy

Electrical engineers are involved in the design of new electrical systems, the implementation of these systems, as well as conducting tests on the designed systems. They make an average salary of $95,119. Countries: Germany, UK, France.

Electrical Engineering

Mining engineers are responsible for the construction of mines, the people and equipment involved in the operation and management of the mining site. Average salary: $96,239/year. Countries: Canada, New Zealand,

Mining Engineering

These seven degree play pivotal role when it comes to becoming an in-demand engineer. Want to know how you can apply to the same? Connect with Admissify today and start your journey with our study-abroad specialists!