7 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs In UK

Published by Gaurav Kandari   August  12,  2024

Teaching assistant jobs in the UK allow students to help with lectures, answer questions and get professional experience. Salary: £12 (1286 INR) per hour.

Teaching Assistant

Being a grad student, you may get a paid position as a research assistant, carry out brilliant projects, and get them published. Salary: £15.21 (1630 INR)  per hour.

Research Assistant

If you’re a people person, that’s the best thing, innit? A server job offers you opportunities to practice the language in a bustle. Salary: £10.72 (1150 INR)  per hour.


Tutoring has an influence on individuals and may entail working with different age levels or learners with learning disabilities. Salary: £27.43 (2940 INR) per hour.


Feeling the pressure at college? Perhaps dog walking can be used as a way to relax. Salary: £10 (1071 INR) per hour.

Dog walker

Learning a second language helps in job placement in the UK with higher remuneration and several provide opportunities. Salary: £12.08 (1294 INR) per hour


Retail jobs enable one to engage with customers while enjoying commission and other privileges such as employee sales. Salary: £11.19 (1200 INR)  per hour.

Retail Worker

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