Top 5 Most Affordable Private Colleges Worldwide

Manasvi | 22 March, 2025

Harvey Mudd College

Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, CA, has an 11% acceptance rate and annual tuition of $83,983.

Williams College

Williamstown, MA, features this prestigious college with an $85,204 annual tuition and a competitive 12% acceptance rate.

Dartmouth College

Dartmouth College, located in Hanover, NH, USA, has an estimated annual tuition of $80,314 and an acceptance rate of 7%.

Middlebury College

Middlebury College, located in Middlebury, VT, USA, has an estimated annual tuition of $81,332 and an acceptance rate of 15%.

University of the People

University of the People offers an online, global education with open admissions and no tuition, only requiring payment for exam fees.