Why Study in Europe?

Discover Study Destinations beyond USA, Canada, UK & Australia!! I Explore Largest Range of Assured Scholarships!

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Study at over 200 prestigious European universities with up to 100% scholarships. Embrace diversity, history, and excellence. Hurry now!


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Computer Science

University College London


University Of Edinburgh


University of Glasgow

Business Analytics

Imperial College London


University of Liverpool

Data science

Imperial College London

Business Studies

University of Birmingham

Take the first step to studying abroad by checking your eligibility for maximum scholarships. Book a free counselling session.

Top University in the Europe

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University of Cambridge
University of Oxford
Imperial College London
ETH Zurich
UCL (University College London)
EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)

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Suaid Masfur Laskar

Suaid Laskar


Manashree Kalita

Rishabh Jain

Rishabh Jain

Hrishikesh Deka

Hrishikesh Deka

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Niti Jain


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This region consists of 200+ universities that incorporate cultural and historical backgrounds and education globally. As for the fees, they are quite moderate compared to traditional destinations, and European universities provide several scholarships. Also, studying in Europe allows choosing several languages and cultures within a rather small territory.
The webinar on “Why Study in Europe?” by Admissify aims to answer all the questions that one might have about studying abroad in Europe. They will discover over two hundred universities, special scholarships, experiences of previous students, and less popular countries with great education opportunities. This webinar is specially designed for students who want to get more specific information on how to continue their education at universities in the European Union and get to know more about the application process starting with the scholarship to the student life.
In the course of the scheduled webinar, you will be introduced to numerous scholarships that would make studying in Europe practically inexpensive – or even free – with some of them covering up to the entire amount of the tuition fee. The amount of information that Admissify will provide involves the respective requirements for scholarships, the ways to apply for them, and strategies on how to get these scholarships. Undergraduate or graduate students these sessions will help you understand the process of searching and applying for scholarships suited to your academic background and financial status.
The free webinar organised by Admissify will reveal several underappreciated study-abroad destinations in Europe that boast high-quality education. During the webinar, you will find out more about the features of such destinations and how they differ from the traditional ones and get to know the benefits that these places can hold for international students who are looking forward to earning their education abroad.
Overall, the highlight of the webinar will consist of success stories of diverse students who completed their academics and are now employed thanks to the help of Admissify. You will hear their stories, the conditions which make them successful, and learn many fascinating things about your way to success. Regardless if you want to get a job in your dream industry, become a researcher of the future, or just be a cosmopolitan citizen, this webinar will give you all the encouragement and information you need to achieve your academic and professional dreams in Europe.
study abroad

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